Maintenance start: 2024-03-31, 12:00 UTC
Maintenance end: 2024-03-31, 14:00 UTC
KnowUp will be unavailable for 2 hours on Sunday as the development team will be performing scheduled maintenance between the following time period:
Maintenance start: 2024-03-31, 12:00 UTC
Maintenance end: 2024-03-31, 14:00 UTC
During this time, both the admin dashboards and Discord-bot (end-user interfaces) will be impacted.
Since KnowUp is improving and trusted by more and more training providers each day, we are updating our platform for future giant steps and to be more beneficial for our community.
If you have anything to ask regarding this maintenance, you can email [email protected]
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Best wishes,
If you are curious about the product and have questions before joining our
Discord server, contact us at [email protected] to get in touch.